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A special message from our CEO Steven L. Blue. Thank...
As technology has continued to grow, more and more businesses and consumers are moving away from traditional analog communication systems running over copper in favor of digital communications, using existing network infrastructure, to be transmitted over the internet or over a local area network. Many of our customers are converting or have already converted to a digital dispatch or communication systems. However, customers are left needing to support multiple types of old analog endpoint devices such as telephones, intercoms, and PA systems. In order to interface with these devices, additional devices must often be installed in order to convert digital data into the analog signals supported by these endpoint devices, or our customers must replace these devices with off-the-shelf IP devices that are not built to the standard needed for a rugged railroad environment. This can become a maintenance nightmare!! Customers are left choosing between supporting and maintaining multiple devices, or constantly replacing devices that are not built for the railroad. Miller Ingenuity has developed and released the Larry McGee VoIP Intercom to solve both of these problems.
VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is a technology that allows voice calling using broadband internet instead of regular analog phone lines. With VoIP, analog audio signals, like the kind you hear when talking on the phone, are converted into digital data packets that can be transmitted like other types of data, like email, over the internet or a private network. With VoIP, you can make or receive a call from anywhere you have broadband connectivity. A benefit of VoIP is the reduced cost of communication by sharing network infrastructure between data and voice. Our VoIP intercom is a Power-over-Ethernet and Voice-over-Internet Protocol two-way communications device that easily connects into existing local area networks with a single cable connection.
Contact us to learn more about our newest addition to the Larry McGee product line or our additional Larry McGee Communication and Control Devices.
Matt Edmonds, Director of Technical Sales at (585) 469-2603 or
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