APTA Rail Conference 2017 Wrap-up!


The 2017 APTA Rail Conference wrapped up last week in Baltimore, MD. This being our second show of the year (first since January) we were eager to meet with our rail colleagues and share with them the latest updates to our rail safety product line.

If you were following along on our social accounts, you would have noticed that our booth was consistently full of many engaging members of the APTA community.

Our ZoneGuard team received some great feedback on our system at APTA. Our customers consistently pointed out how flexible ZoneGuard is compared to our competitor’s RWP fix the modules to the catenary poles, and our portable eRWP, which allows you to move the zone of protection where it is needed, ZoneGuard can meet the need of most unique operating environments. Our flexibility and accuracy provide protection in the locations where legacy products come up short: tunnels, curves and multi-track detection.

If you missed us at the show, or couldn’t attend the show, feel free to contact us to set up a meeting or quick call to discuss our award-winning roadway worker protection system and additional safety products.

sales@milleringenuity.com or Kevin Smith, 904-608-9676

See you in booth #3579 at Railway Interchange, September 17 in Indianapolis!

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