Polymer Bushings.
A pioneer in polymer products for over four decades.
For over 40 years, Miller Ingenuity has been converting steel parts into polymer parts for the OEMs to enhance the lifespan and durability of our products. The tough thermoplastic provides a solid foundation for our polymer bushing that gives the product the ability to meet the needs of the dynamic rail industry.
This improved performance for our polymer bushings increases time between servicing and extends the life of the product. They do not rust and bind to the mating components and are easy to replacement with a hammer instead of a hydraulic press.
We have been a trusted OEM source of polymeric bushings for over a decade. Reach out to our team for more information!
Rick Spitzer
AVP Global Sales & Marketing
rspitzer@milleringenuity.com or 507-452-2461 x224
Kevin Pilger
Technical Sales Manager
kpilger@milleringenuity.com or 507-452-2461 ext. 261

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